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EPA Method 3542A:

Extraction Of Semivolatile Analytes Collected Using Method 0010 (Modified Method 5 Sampling Train)

This method describes the extraction of semivolatile organic compounds from samples collected by Method 0010. This method replaces the Sample Preparation section of Method 0010 (Modified Method 5 Sampling Train, also known as SemiVOST), which currently addresses preparation of Method 0010 train components for analysis with very little detail.

Samples generated by the Method 0010 Sampling Train are separated into six parts: a particulate matter filter (labeled in Method 0010 as Container No. 1), a front half rinse (labeled in Method 0010 as Container No. 2), condenser rinse and rinse of all sampling train components located between the filter and the sorbent module (labeled in Method 0010 as Container No. 5), sorbent trap section of the organic module (labeled in Method 0010 as Container No. 3), any condensate and condensate rinse (labeled in Method 0010 as Container No. 4), and silica gel (labeled in Method 0010 as Container No. 6).