ASTM Methods and Analysis
The American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) methods are used for material analysis such as oil recycling and waste characterization. The ASTM methods meet the requirements of the EPA and Summit Environmental Technologies is highly skilled at testing these methods. Among these are:
- Acidity
- Ash
- Asphaltenes
- Boiling point
- BTU (heat of combustion)
- Carbon distribution
- Cetane index
- Cleanliness/compatibility of fuel
- Cloud point
- Color
- Corrosion (copper/silver strip)
- Density
- Distillation
- Lower heat value
- Metals in oil (ICP)
- Molecular weight
- Oxidation/reduction potential
- Particle size
- PCBs
- PIANO components for change fuels
- Pour point
- Refractive index
- Sediment in oil
- Sulfur speciation
- Sulfated ash
- Vapor pressure
- Viscosity
- Volatility
- % Water (Karl Fischer)
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