Seeking a brighter future
At Summit Environmental Technologies, we pride ourselves in offering unique educational opportunities and hands-on experiences in order to keep the public informed about the environment. Summit has been a proud sponsor of many different field trips and educational endeavors for students, ranging from children in elementary school to those individuals at the university level who aspire to become the future scientists that will help solve environmental complexities that our world faces today. Through our qualified chemists and motivated staff members, our lab has been the industry leader in combining education with community involvement in order to create more awareness about the environment for generations to come. Whether local or afar, our laboratory seeks to provide all people a place whereby the leaders of tomorrow can get inspired to make a difference in the world today.
Summit Environmental Technologies prides itself on its history of giving back to the community that made it the laboratory that it is today. Internships and job opportunities are frequently offered to aspiring engineers and scientists that desire to make a positive impact in the world. Some of our previous interns have gone on to some of the best universities, and are using the leadership skills and academic curiosity that was fostered at Summit in their future careers currently.
Our team travels around the nation in order to give people information on the importance of a clean environment and how every individual can make a difference. If you are a student, school, or organization that yearns for a better and safer world for people to enjoy and live in, contact Summit Environmental Technologies for more information!
Reach out to us today for a better future tomorrow. Please contact Summit Environmental Technologies at 330-253-8211.

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