Specialists in Water, Wastewater, Air, and Solid Waste Testing
For comprehensive environmental testing services, Summit Environmental Technologies is the one-stop laboratory to meet all your testing needs. Specialists in water, wastewater, air, and solid waste testing for companies nationwide and worldwide. Providing a customer-centered experience is our primary focus. Summit Environmental Technologies is small enough to put you, the customer, first, yet extensive enough to offer more testing methods than almost any other lab in the United States.
You want it now? Summit Environmental Technologies generally provides environmental testing services in almost half the time of most labs across the entire country.
Don’t want to pay an arm and a leg? Summit Environmental Technologies offers competitive pricing. There are no hidden charges or “extra fees” that appear on your invoice.
One of the Fastest Testing Services Nationwide, but How Can it be Done?
All of our services and testing are performed under one roof so we don’t have the expense of shipping out samples to other companies. We offer a “soup to nuts” testing service in one location. Our long-tenured, highly skilled, highly experienced staff will often sacrifice their personal time to meet turnaround needs.
By dealing with Summit Environmental Technologies where your samples never leave the building – we always know where your job is and in what stage of the testing process. Do you have questions about your sample? Give us a call and we’ll be able to give you an update on where it is in the process in a matter of minutes.
Get a quote today!
Can’t wait? Need to know more about environmental testing services that include one of the fastest turn around times in the country?
Contact us today: 1-800-278-0140

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Contact Summit Environmental Technologies testing laboratories today!